You can become strong and muscular without going to the gym or using barbells! In this article we know how beginners can use Convict Fitness principles to effectively train without any equipment. Learn the key exercises and techniques.
Okay, time to get into the details. How often should you train and how long should you train for? This depends on three factors: your available time, your physical condition, and your goals.
(1) The time issue is simple. Think carefully about how to use your time. Which days should you train, during the day or at night? If you need to work long hours, it will be difficult for you to find the time. If you are a husband or a father and have a lot of housework, you will have almost no time, so plan your time.
(2) Physical condition is also very important. Only when you reach a certain level, frequent and continuous training will be effective. If you are in poor health, overtraining will exceed your body’s recovery level and will wear you down rather than improve you.
(3) The training goal is also the most important factor in determining the length and frequency of training. Long-term large-scale exercise training will build physical strength and endurance, but not muscle and strength.

How do beginners use the Prisoner?
Beginners who don’t know their physical condition or are new to the Prisoner often don’t know where to start training. Paul (author of the Prisoner)’s “First Trial” for beginners is a very good plan for any novice. Lay a good foundation for tendon strengthening training and train twice a week.
At the beginning of training, the body is not yet adapted, and soreness during exercise will hinder you.
Monday: 2-3 sets of push-ups and leg raises,
Tuesday: rest.
Wednesday: 1-2 sets of pull-ups and squats.
Thursday: rest
Friday: 2 sets of handstands and bridges.
Weekend: rest.
This set of training adapts muscles faster than joints. For soft tissues that are new to these movements ( six arts ), the plan leaves them with enough time to develop.
Enough rest time will improve muscle recovery and exercise quality.
If your time allows, your body’s recovery ability is also good, and you have the enthusiasm to train every day (except Sunday), then you can completely adopt the following enhanced novice training plan:
Monday: 2-3 sets of pull-ups.
Tuesday: Bridge 2-3 sets
Wednesday: Handstand 2-3 sets/30s
Thursday: Squat 2-3 sets
Friday: Leg raise 2-3 sets
Saturday: Push-ups 2-3 sets
1. In any case, beginners must, must read “Convict Conditioning” first ! Don’t rush to practice before reading “Convict Conditioning”!
2. Please practice the first 4 of the six arts first: push-ups, squats, pull-ups, and leg raises. Wait until the first 4 arts are upgraded to the 6th, and then add the last 2 arts: bridge and handstand push-ups.
3. Please skip the first “shoulder stand squat” of the squat series and start practicing from the second “jackknife squat”.
4. You can use the “first set of novice training plan” in the first month (4 weeks). If you feel it is too easy, try the “enhanced novice training plan” in the second month. Similarly, if you feel that time is too tight and it is difficult to train every day; or if you don’t rest enough and your body recovers poorly, you can switch back to the “first set of novice training plan” at any time. In short, please adjust the training plan flexibly according to your available time and physical recovery status.
5. Regarding the number of sets, the first set of novice training plan can be considered within 1-10, and the enhanced novice training plan can be between 10-15.